You Being You!
Paul Potts, a mobile phone salesman, when he appeared on American Idol
was asked, "What are you here for today, Paul?". Paul answered "To sing opera".
Watch and listen as you experience Paul, being and doing what he says
"he was born to do".
This is a powerful expression of a person with passion and love for something
giving manifestation to it. I'm inspired to experience my dreams, every day,
in the present moment, by having seen this.
Every day, we can put off what we really, really, really want waiting for things
to be "right". I know I have done that. But, we don't have to... Paul shows us
evidence of that, and inspires us to "Do it Now!".
Pay special attention to the before and after comments:
Many thanks to Tom Frøkjær, author of the website Enrico Caruso, another
famous opera singer who, from humble beginnings, rose to international fame.
Tom created the website as a tribute to this unique singer, who with his voice,
empathy and charisma more than anyone else contributed to making opera
and bel canto known and loved.
Tom says "I saw the touching story about Paul Potts on YouTube and got to think
of Enrico Caruso. And since I did not find any Danish website about Caruso,
I decided to make one and later translated it into English."
Thanks Tom, for acting on a spontaneous idea, following your interest,
and sharing knowledge and appreciation of this great and talented artist with us.
Be You!