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Notable People

  • Alan Walter
    Since 1964, Alan has worked with over 250,000 people, many in Fortune 500 companies, training them to be champions in their respective fields. His continuing interest has been in the field of Human Potential Development - becoming more fully oneself, unlayering what is obscuring the true individual - Spirit, Mind and Body.
  • Bill Orender
    Bill came from worker in a steel mill to multi-millionaire in Primerica Financial Services. He posesses tremendous wisdom in how to be successful, wealthy and well-balanced in life.
  • Brian Clark
    Brian is a tremendous resource on not only copywriting but any writing. He has 40,000+ subscribers to his blog.
  • Malcolm Buglar
    Malcolm is a tremendously helpful life coach!
  • Napoleon Hill
    Author of Think and Grow Rich
  • Seth Godin
    Seth is one of the most advanced marketing minds on the planet... author, speaker, blogger.